Thursday, April 13, 2006

Am i becoming a HOARDER???

I always believed I’ll never be content with what I have, but will be happy with who I am. My worth is not equal to my bank balance nor does my home, my car and my clothes are, at best, a reflection of who I am. And there is something more to me than my possessions.

But recently dont know how n why a twist of events have brought me to a time when i have started believing the more money u have, the happier u'd be. But again this proved untrue. I never had enough. And the more I had, the more I was afraid to lose.

Learning to live with an open hand is admittedly not an easy task.Its a lifelong process. At the end, if you want a nest egg, saving money makes sense; giving it away does not.

Oh jesus am I becoming a Hoarder?????